Our shlichim help people all over the world through the unique strength of prayers uttered at the Western Wall, while at the same time raising money for Torah institutions as well as families and individuals involved in Torah learning in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Yermiyahu Vassershtein

Rabbi Yirmiyahu Vassershtein

Rabbi Vassershtein is a Jerusalemite from many generations back and descendant of the famed Vilna Gaon. He is a teacher in the Zilberman’s yeshiva, and learns in the Mir Yeshiva. He has 6 children and is incredibly virtuous.

Rabbi Mordechai Sheef

Rabbi Mordechai Sheef

Rabbi Sheef is a Torah scholar and teacher at Aderet Eliyahu. He is a second generation Jerusalemite and has 15 children. Rav Sheef is known for his refined speech – speaking only of matters connected to Torah.

Rabbi Menachem Heizler

Rabbi Menachem Heizler

Rabbi Heizler is a 7th generation Jerusalemite. He divides his time between studying in the Zilberman’s Kollel and teaching in the Zilbermans Yeshiva Ketana. He has 12 kids and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Tzvi Goldschmidt

Reb Zvi Goldschmidt

Rabbi Goldschmidt is a native Jerusalemite. He studies Talmud in Rav Nebentzahl’s Kollel in the Churva and works as a sofer (scribe). He davens vasikin (sunrise prayers) daily, a special time for prayers to be answered. He has 9 children and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Malachi Roeh

Rabbi Malachi Roee

Rabbi Roee studies in the Zilberman’s Kollel and teaches in the Yeshiva Ketana. He has been a ba’al korei (the one who reads from the Torah scroll during prayers) at the Kotel for many years. He has 6 children and resides in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Menachem Wormser

Reb Menachem Wormser

Rabbi Wormser was raised in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem. He wakes up every morning at 1:30am to study Torah. He has 4 children. His father is the posek of the Zilberman’s community.

Nachshon Refaeli

Reb Nachshum Rafaeli

Reb Rafaeli is a second generation Jerusalemite. He is one of the top learners at Zilbermans’ yeshiva and is known for his helpfulness. He, his wife, 5 children and parents all live in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Yosef Dovid Citron

Rabbi Yosef Citron

Rabbi Citron divides his time between studying Talmud and teaching in the Zilberman’s yeshiva. He also gives a daily Talmud class at nighttime. He is the grandson of the famed Rav Reuben of Jerusalem. He has 8 children and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Eliyahu Veber

Rabbi Eliyahu Veber

Rabbi Veber was raised in Jerusalem and moved to the Jewish Quarter in the Old City after his wedding. He learns in the churva, and teaches and gives classes around Jerusalem. He has 6 children. His father is the Rav of Neve Yaakov.

Rabbi Yaakov Cohen

Rabbi Yaakov Cohen

Rabbi Cohen was raised in Haifa. He teaches in the Talmud Torah of Zilberman, and studies Torah in the afternoon. He has 4 children and is known for his piety and acts of kindness towards others.

David Michel

Rabbi Daryl Michels

Rabbi Michel is the manager (Gabbai) of Yeshivas Bircas HaTorah. He grew up in South Africa and moved to Israel together with his wife 18 years ago. They have 4 children. Reb Michel is a role model to all who know him, combining both Torah scholarship and good character.

Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Danseiger

Rabbi Danseiger

Reb Danseiger grew up in the city of B’nei B’rak, near Tel Aviv. He studies at Zilbermans’ yeshiva where he also teaches Torah and Kabbalah classes. He is known as a great Torah scholar and a righteous person (tzaddik). He has 10 children and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Eliyahu Goldberger

Rabbi Eliyahu Goldberger

Rabbi Goldberger was raised in Long Island, NY and made Aliyah at age 16 to study at the Zilberman’s Yeshiva. He studies in Yeshivas Tiferes Chaim in the morning and tutors children in the afternoon. He has 13 children.

Yedidya Arend

Yedidya Aarond

Rabbi Aarond was raised in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem – his family was one of the first Jewish families to move there. He studies at the Zilberman’s Kollel and has 2 children.

Efraim Zilberman

Rabbi Efraim Zilberman

Rabbi Zilberman studies Torah and teaches in the Yeshiva Ketana of Zilberman. He has 13 children and is a descendant of the great Vilna Gaon.

Avinoam Yunger

Reb Avinoam Yunger

Rabbi Yunger was raised in Jerusalem. He studies Torah in the Churva. He has 5 children and resides in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Itamar Yunger

Reb Itamar Yunger

Rabbi Yunger was raised in Haifa. He studies Torah in the Churva. He has 4 children and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Yaakov Zilberman

Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman

Rabbi Zilberman is an 8th generation Jerusalemite.. He teaches in the Talmud Torah of Zilberman, and studies Torah in the Zilberman Kollel. He has 10 children and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Shimon Ben Yashar

Reb Shimon BenYashar

Rabbi BenYashar was raised in Jerusalem. He studies Torah in the Zilberman’s Kollel. He has 10 children and is known for his warmth, and kindness.

Binyamin Citron

Reb Benyamin Citron

Rabbi Citron studies in the morning in the Ramban shul, and in the afternoon he works for Lev Le’achim at the Kotel setting up Torah classes and chavrutot all over Israel. He has 7 children and lives in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Yehuda Epshtein

Reb Yehuda Epshtein

Rabbi Epshtein grew up in London and Tel Aviv. He learned in the Zilberman’s Kollel and currently works in translation and writing Torah articles. He has 11 children.

Moshe Lubatzky

Reb Moshe Lubetsky

Rabbi Lubetsky was raised in the Rova. He learns in the Zilbermans Kollel and is a writer and lecturer. He has 12 children.

Rabbi Avraham Moshe Zilberman

Rabbi Avraham Moshe Zilberman

Rabbi Zilberman was raised in the Old City of Jerusalem. He was a mashgiach (spiritual adviser) in the Yeshiva Gedola of Zilberman, and is now a mentor for the teachers in the Zilbermans cheider. He studies in the Zilberman’s Kollel in the afternoon and the Diaspora Yeshiva at night. He has 8 children.

Netanel Zilberman

Reb Netanel Zilberman

Rabbi Zilberman is a grandson of the famed Rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Zilberman to whom he was very close. He learns in the Zilbermans Kollel and is a mashgiach (supervisor) for Jewish traditional writing with which Torah, Tefillin, and Mezuzot are written. He has 11 children and resides in the Old City of Jerusalem.

These are just a few of our shlichim. We unfortunately cannot take requests for particular shlichim. Prayer agents are based on availability, which, according to the Torah, is determined through divine providence (hashgaha pratis).