Marriage | Recovery from Illness | Children | Job Success | Other
BH i finished my last round of 40 days on Zot Chanukah, and felt so tired. But less than 3mos later, I met him, me at age 35 and him at almost 39. A real nes gadol 💕We got married almost 3 months ago, both having completed the 40 days with your help. I can’t tell you how I felt walking down Rehov Emek Refaim with him the day after we decided to get engaged, when he told me about doing 40 days with Western Wall Prayers and told me the tefillah he had been saying, so close to the one I had been saying 😍. The one I was looking for had also been looking for me.
I hope this story encourages other people not to give up and keep davening. We should all see immeasurable brachos in our lives and all our tefillot answered b’karov mamash, b’shaah tova. Thank you for all your encouraging emails and amazing shluchim who are davening so intently on behalf of all of Am Yisrael.
Merav Nechama Gale, Chicago
I have had quite an experience with the 40-days! Just after the completion of my first 40-days I met a man that I was sure was my soul-mate. There was just one problem that held us back. So, I enlisted another prayer agent. Well, now that the second 40-days is finally complete, my soul-mate and I are finally happily together! Thank you for everything!
Jennifer, Toronto
Shortly after I met Myles, I asked that you daven for me 40 days that my soul mate should be revealed to me. One month later we were engaged and one more month after that we were married. Attached is a picture taken right after my wedding.
Lisa Mittwol, New York
I recently wrote to you after my husband and I thank G-d got married. We met during the 40 days. Thank you so much for all you efforts. May you continue doing amazing work.
Karen, Israel
I asked you to pray with me concerning a soul mate for my niece, Tricia. I am happy to inform you that she is now engaged! They are very happy…as we all are!! Thought you would like the update. Thank you so much for your prayers on Tricia’s behalf!
Donna Alexander, Texas
Although I never would have pictured myself getting someone to pray for me, I decided to give it a try. Around the 30th day I met an incredible man and got engaged to him soon after that. We are now happily married. I want to thank you so much for all of your prayers!
Leah, New York
I really appreciate hearing from you. Actually, I am very much in love right now . I think about my shaliach from time to time and am so grateful to her. The wedding will be in the winter.
Alisa, Los Angeles
Just wanted to let you know that my sister Malki Avigdor got engaged only a few days after the 40 days were finished. It can happen to you in a blink of an eye. Thank you so much for your part in this happy ending.
Rachel Avigdor, New York
I wanted to send you an e-mail and let you know that on July 4th I became engaged! I wanted to thank you for all your help and assistance with arranging to have the Rabbi daven on my behalf. If you could please let him know I am now engaged to a wonderful kind man who is devoted to Hashem and the Jewish people. And please send him my thanks and utter appreciation for his davening. I am so grateful to Hashem for bringing me such a wonderful man.
Erin Grossman, Chicago
For many years, I tried all kinds of spiritual ways to find a Shidduch – giving Tzedaka, praying at Kivrei Tzadikim, receiving Berachos from Rebbes, etc. What worked for me at the end was 40 days of prayers on my behalf at the Western Wall – the holiest area in the world where we have a direct line to Hashem. If it worked for me, it can work for just about anyone else who earnestly turns to Hashem.
Shimon Boyer, Israel
I believe that I will be reporting some good news soon as my Friend from Israel just asked me for my “ring size.” He is supposed to visit me here in the U.S. soon. My journey could not be completed within the 40 days since I had so far to go. I feel like the prayers at Wall were the beginning. Mine is very complex situation in that I have a daughter who needs a special father and this man lives in Israel while we are in Florida. Only G-d can orchestrate such a match....(with a lot of help from wonderful people like you and my shliach.)
Yaakova, New Jersey
Your chevra davened for two of my daughters to get married, and for one of them to have a baby. B”H, all of my tefillos were answered; my daughter had a baby boy 10 weeks ago, after 3 years of marriage. My second daughter got married a little over a year ago, and had a baby boy 7 weeks ago. And their younger sister got married a few months later, and she had a baby boy 12 days ago! I am forever grateful to HaKadosh Baruch Hu! Thank you for the prayers.
Leah, Canada
It is with great hakaras hatov that I write to inform you that I am engaged! My chosson and I cannot thank you enough. We both believe that my tefillot and the tefillot of my shluchim over the last several months were instrumental in the success of our shidduch.
anonymous, California
I just wanted to let you know that I’m engaged! We started dating during Pesach, 2 months after I signed up , and got engaged just before Shavuous! Thanks for your tefilos!
Tehilla, New Jersey
I signed up for prayers in Elul asking Hashem to lead me to my marriage partner and am so thrilled to announce that I became a kallah yesterday, less than 2 months later! Thanks so much!
Sara, Detroit
I was pretty much the only one of my friends still unmarried and it was getting tiresome. I had an agent pray 40 days for me and waited. Finally, it happened! I met a wonderful man and we will be getting married, G-d-willing, in a couple of months. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Rachel, California
I’m so excited to tell you that I just got engaged. He is very special and we are getting married soon. I want to thank you and my prayer agent and I will always be grateful!
Ilana, Israel
My sister is doing fine. She’s been married almost a year now- I guess the prayers did it!
Mark, Phillipines
I previously asked you to daven for a girl I know to find a shidduch. Now I’m asking you to daven that she and her husband will be blessed with children! G-d led me to the right guy for her! Thank you so much.
Yitzhak, Philadelphia
I asked you to daven that I find my bashert, and soon after that I was visiting Israel and was introduced to my husband through a relative of mine and your husband! What a small world. We now live in Jerusalem, and we are so happy to be a part of the community who prayed for us to be together!
Shelly, Jerusalem
Recovery from Illness
In July 2020 my niece, Kathryn, was 8 months pregnant. One morning she woke up and wasn’t feeling well. She phoned her husband and told him & he said that he’d meet her at the hospital. When she got to the hospital she was put on a fetal monitor. Everything at first seemed normal. Within 30 minutes the baby’s heartbeat plummeted. She was ran down in a wheelchair with the RN, screaming, “code blue” within 6 minutes the baby was delivered with no fetal heartbeat. The neonatal doctor tried twice to restart the heart. Then on the third try it began to beat. The baby girl was put on a cooling blanket to put her into hypothermia. She was that way for 2 weeks. On the third week they slowly raised the temperature. Slowly little baby Violet started to move. Over the next week she moved more and more. And even cried! Violet was allowed to start drinking Kathryn’s milk. There was a huge worry over motor neurological damage. But there didn’t seem to be any. There was worry over blindness and deafness, but that was normal, too. The last huge worry was cognitive impairment. Over the last year and 1/2 Violet has shown that she’s hitting all her milestones. If this isn’t a miracle. There are no miracles! I have thanked & prayed to HaShem everyday for our beautiful little miracle!! I’m grateful for Western Wall Prayers for putting my (our) prayer at the wall!! Thank you so very much.
Linda Kilmer, Canada
Shayna has returned to full health. I am forever grateful.
I will be in Israel in a few weeks to pray for you and your service. This world needs this!
Bob Pepe, MA
Thank you so much for praying for my recovery from a serious illness. My wife and I had a baby girl. Her life has been made possible by the prayers from you and so many others.
Josef Kardos, Toronto
In January 2022, my 27-year old daughter, Katie Piscopio, was diagnosed with lymphoma. I immediately felt a strong need to have prayers for her recited at the Western Wall, and recalled seeing an organization that arranged this. Within a few days, a Rabbi was reciting daily prayers for her as she underwent eight sessions of chemotherapy. On August 8, we received word that, Baruch Hashem, Katie is in remission and on her way to a complete recovery. Shira has been a wonderful friend to me in making this happen every day; and until I can pray for Katie’s continued good health at the Kotel myself, I will be having my friends in Jerusalem do it for me.
Robbin Danzig, Colorado
I just saw my oncologist for the first time since my diagnosis. My dr was literally jumping for joy when she saw me!! She went over my bloodwork and everything is perfect!!! When Marty first told you about me, my oncologist thought I had liver cancer, and she was giving me two years to live. After your prayers, I had my liver biopsy, and I received the great news that I had metastatic breast cancer that is treatable. The fact that the first drugs I used shrunk the tumors in two months is amazing!! It is a story worth sharing!!
I thank God and you every day!!!❤️Cheryl Fishman, Calabasas, CA
Things are going Great! My thyroid surgery was a total success, the news of NO cancer was the blessing that I was waiting for. My heart was and is rejoicing! Even the surgeon told me that G-d guided his hand. Additionally, my husband had his second knee surgery and everything went even better this time than the first time. Thank you very much for your prayers!
Darah, California
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2001, and I asked you to pray for a Refuah shleima. My symptoms have improved since Daryl has been davening for me. The possibility was also discovered that my symptoms may be due to heavy metal poisoning, which can be corrected with the help of Ha Shem. Thank you for your kindness & concern.
Tovah Gangestad, Florida
Our daughter thank G-d is making progress– slowly, but regularly. She is able to make eye contact and in other ways relate to people in a manner that is not typical for children with autism. We have a long, difficult journey ahead of us- butyour prayers have helped us find the road to recovery.
Florence Titeux, France
Susie was originally diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago when she was almost 33 years old. They removed the tumor – it was supposedly small and restricted. She was also treated with chemo and radiation and then pronounced well. Less than 12 months later the cancer returned and infiltrated the bone, obviously a very aggressive tumor. Yet now it appears to have stalled and even become somewhat smaller. Now she feels quite well and she looks terrific.
Ted Lidsky , New Jersey
I asked you to pray 40 days at the Wall that my friend’s lung cancer should go into remission. We still have a way to go but so far the news seems positive. The doctors say that the chemo is working and the tumor is shrinking. She is continuing chemo for a few more months and hopefully that will destroy the tumor altogether. Please don’t stop praying!
Siobhan Divine, Vancouver
Thank you. I prayed along with you every day and I am very pleased to say that today my daughter had her last test and everything was fine. She still needs a small surgery but nothing serious.
Our prayers were answered. Baruch Hashem!Elayne, Wheeling, IL
Moshe is a young man struggling with a rare cancer. When prayers started for him we were wondering if he would live, He had just been diagnosed with such an aggressive and rare illness. We saw nissim then, of successful treatments and a very successful surgery that miraculously removed the tumors, even when the doctors were not optimistic. He has come a long way and is on a steady path to recovery. Thank you!
Tova, Chicago
I am very grateful to my shlichim, who have davened on behalf of myself and others. Every day I daven that they should both see tremendous zchar in this world and in the World to Come. Howard is an elderly gentlemen who had a second stroke and had a dozen doctors tell his family that its was over. The day after the davening started his daughter called me to tell me that her father opened his eyes from a semi coma, ripped out his feeding tube, said “I’m hungry,” and started eating. A true miracle!
Nancy, California
The doctors gave my mother only 2 months to live. She’s 78 years old and weighed only 84 lbs. We knew that if she was ever going to have a chance to beat a recurring case of cancer, she needed to gain weight. We asked you to daven for us that she would gain weight. My 40 days of prayer ended on April 9. Before the 40 days were over, she had already gained 6 lbs and was doing much better. I attribute this improvement a huge degree to my 40-day prayer. I have not been to Israel since 1979; however, I will never forget how it felt to be in Jerusalem and especially by the Wall. For me, it is almost indescribable. I felt the presence of G-d more strongly there than anywhere else. I am very grateful and would like to continue when the first 40-days are up.
Lisa Mittwol, New York
I was having serious colon problems. My son was worried, and signed me up for the 40 days’ prayer. On the 36th day, the doctors operated and were astounded to find nothing but a small infection. I was also surprised until I found out that my son had sponsored a prayer agent for me. Thank you so much Western Wall Prayers! I am so grateful!
Eli, Chicago
After my son was diagnosed with a cyst, I signed up for the Western Wall Prayers service. After the 30th day of prayer, his cyst was removed safely and without complications. May you have continued blessing in the work that you do!
Michael, Texas
My sister was diagnosed with cancer. It was a shock to us. During the 40 days that an agent prayed for her, a miracle literally happened. The cancer was gone. Doctors see no trace of it anymore. I can’t understand it, but I’m not complaining. You do wonderful work.
Lisa, Toronto
I was overcome with deteriorating health and tremendous pain when I contacted Western Wall Prayers. During the 40 days my condition improved immensely and I eventually recuperated. I do believe in prayer now and its power to affect everything.
Malka, California
After having prayers said for my eyesight recovery, my sight test results have gotten much better! I am immensely grateful for what you have done and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Rodrigo Videla Vargas, Chile
My 1 1/2 yr old grand-daughter was hospitalized with a myriad of problems; including trouble breathing, poor muscle tone, tonsils and adenoids and to top it off a serious virus that affected her respiratory system to the point where she needed oxygen to sleep. We immediately got an agent to pray for her and within days she was out of the red zone and able to return home to recuperate. She is doing much better now and I am so grateful for your prayers!
Rivka, New Jersey
My prayers have been answered. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy! He is named James after his father.
Thank you for your follow up and for the prayers! This truly works.
Julianne Recine, New York
You davened the 40 days for my husband and I to have a successful pregnancy. Then I got pregnant BH and you davened for us not to miscarry. Now I am writing you while holding our almost 6 week old baby in my lap. Baruch H-shem!!!!! All babies are miracles but this little guy came after two miscarriages so we especially appreciate the miraculousness and wanted to thank you!
Danit Kleinman, Atlanta
Thank you so much for praying for us to become parents. I am so grateful for our beautiful baby girl who was born a few weeks ago. A true miracle. Thank G-d, she’s a good baby and so, so cute.
Aviva, New York
You prayed 40 days for me to have a child last September. I want to let you know that our daughter Aurora was born on September 7th, almost exactly one year after my 40 days began. She is healthy and very beautiful to us. We are very, very happy and will always be grateful to you. Please send my regards to my prayer agent.
Paulina Aguilar, Chile
Mazal tov! My wife Debra gave birth to a healthy baby girl three hours ago. We asked you to pray for her to have an easy birth. Our other two children were born after very traumatic labors and Debra was naturally nervous about the this birth. She wanted you to pray that this one would be as easy as a chicken laying an egg. Now Debra says her prayer was truly answered: It was as easy as a chicken laying an egg! I believe that someone praying for us in Jerusalem played a big part in this.
David Scop, New York
I’m sitting here with my beautiful baby boy Chaim Elazar. You prayed for me to find my husband, and I did. We just gave birth to a new baby boy! I’ve been so busy being a Kallah and being pregnant that it’s taken me this long to write you!
Ella Sanders, (Netherlands), Hershel Firbank (New York)
My daughter had a baby boy! Hudson Levi Biegel. He was an IVF baby and the 9mos of her pregnancy transcended every fear and concern one could have. Hashem is so incredible! I cannot express how appreciative my wife and I are for His blessing to us, this is our first grandchild, miracle of miracles. Thank you! May G-d bless you and your wonderfully dedicated group of mitzvah makers.
Richard Gerber, Georgia
You prayed for my cousins, who were trying to have a baby for 8 years. “I think we’re cursed,” my cousin Deborah had told me. The agent prayed, I prayed, we all prayed and . . . nothing. No baby. Since I certainly don’t understand the ways of G-d, and I figured it couldn’t hurt, I signed up for another prayer. After Rosh Hashonah, Deborah told me that right after Passover she did the in vitro again. I knew what convinced them to try again. Passover was when the prayers were being said at the Wall. Now at Rosh Hashonah, the prayers were sealing the deal. David and Deborah’s baby was born on January 19, 2009. Thank you so much for all your help in creating this miracle.
Baruch Hashem! My daughter had a beautiful healthy baby girl who will be named Malkah Golda this Saturday. All are well… We are so grateful to HaShem… Thank you for your prayers and well wishes!
Dr. Sandra Scantling, Connecticut
I had been struggling with fertility problems for more than a year. A friend saw how painful this was for me, and arranged for a Western Wall Prayers agent to pray 40 days for me. Thank G-d, I had a successful pregnancy and gave birth to a beautiful baby. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your kindness!
Sarah, Israel
I wrote to let you know that yesterday Chana Brocha bas Miriam welcomed a beautiful baby girl 💕
Please pass on my massive gratitude to
Rabbi Daryl Michels for his tefillos.May we only hear simchas!
Thank you so much for the tefillos. They seemed to have really worked. B’H my baby son, Noam Zalman, was born March 18th, healthy and adorable. (I did have a C-section but bH it was without any complications). I also found out last week that I passed the NBCOT exam. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
Zehava, Montreal
I had been struggling with fertility problems for more than a year. A friend saw how painful this was for me, and arranged for a Western Wall Prayers agent to pray 40 days for me. Thank G-d, I had a successful pregnancy and gave birth to a beautiful baby. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your kindness!
Sarah, Israel
I asked you to daven 40 days for me to be blessed with children and Thank G-d, after many years of trying, I am expecting. I’m in my 5th month now, and it is truly a miracle!
Rachel, Washington
We had been married for a few years already and we had been unable to have a baby. I asked someone to pray 40 days for me and thank G-d, a few months later I finally became pregnant and, G-d-willing, will have a healthy baby soon! All of our blessings and gratitude.
Lisa, Illinois
My husband and I have been trying to have children for a while now. We were signed up for Western Wall Prayers without our knowledge and just 2 weeks after the 40 days ended, I became pregnant. I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Mazal tov! I can’t thank you enough for your kindness!
Rachel, New York
Wow. These prayers are amazing. It’s been only a couple of weeks since we started and my friend is already pregnant!
Thanks for everything.Cary, Michigan
I was married for almost five years and was still hoping and waiting to fall pregnant. After signing up for the prayers, I am happy to saw that I am now expecting!
Esther, Israel
Your chevra davened for two of my daughters to get married, and for one of them to have a baby. B”H, all of my tefillos were answered; my daughter had a baby boy 10 weeks ago, after 3 years of marriage. My second daughter got married a little over a year ago, and had a baby boy 7 weeks ago. And their younger sister got married a few months later, and she had a baby boy 12 days ago! I am forever grateful to HaKadosh Baruch Hu! Thank you for the prayers.
Leah, Canada
Mazel Tov! With Deep Gratitude to HaShem Yisborach, we welcome the new addition to our family, our firstborn son. Thank you for davening on our behalf.
Rena, L.A.
Job Success
The prayers are working!! My husband received the promotion he has been working towards. I’m so happy for him!!!
Thank you for your support.
Julianne Recine, New York
Your prayers for me have been remarkably successful. My financial circumstances have improved markedly, and show signs of continuing to do so.
Thank you so much for what you do!
Tom Eisenstadt, California
Thank you so much! My son Moshe David ben Rivka finally got the job he wanted!!
Robin Kaphan, New York
During my 40 days of prayer I found a new job and am looking at places to live closer to my kids’ school!
Thank you so much!
Charles Collier, MA
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that Hashem has granted our prayers and that my son Joshua, Yakov Moshe ben Esther Golda, did match with a residency program.
I thank you for all that you have done and for your input and help, and for maintaining an indispensable prayer option.Alan Silverstein, NY
I would love for you to know our prayers have been answered. Benjamin has found a job that he really likes and will G-d willing lead into other opportunities. G-d is so good! Thank you so much for what you all do.
Janet, Tennessee
Thank you for all your support. Hashem has blessed me with the money I need to move. I have experienced bountiful blessings over the years and I am forever grateful.
Kuwanna Thompson, New York
On wednesday I had an interview for a job position. They called me to sign a contract, I am starting Monday. I want to thank you and my prayer agent for your help.
Angela, Republica Dominicana
WWP kindly completed a 40-day prayers on my behalf for Parnasah for my husband and I’m happy to say that my husband was able to land a job before his severance ran out and was only unemployed for one week. We also included Shalom Bayit in our prayer request and I’m happy to say that our home has been more peaceful and pleasant. I was very happy to receive your photo of my shaliach, it reminds me that I am not alone in my prayers.
Elizabeth, Boston
I have just started a new job which is challenging and exciting. When I got a prayer agent, I was concerned that since my former employer was being very mean spirited I would not be able to get a reference. I need to tell you what happened. The interview process for my new position was easy and proceeded without any problems. I believe that G-d opened the hearts and minds of many people to eliminate any obstacles that might have been put in my path. Great huge tears of gratitude pour out of my eyes as I write to you today. I have renewed my commitment to prayers and to understanding and practicing Noahide laws as a result of my contact with you.
Tom, Canada
Just to let you know I have been in my new job for just over a month now and have received my first pay check – I said I would let you know in case you wanted to use this as a testimonial of some sort.
I’m more than happy to write a short little article explaining the challenges etc. and how 40 days must have helped to get me this… literally… dream job!
Eli Myers, London
I have great news, I got a job! They called me today. I am so excited that I am almost flying. No words can describe my gratitude to you, because I know it’s your prayers which brought me this blessing.
Leah, New York
Thank you for praying for my son Adam and his career, it has created a miracle that I will forever be grateful to G-d for!
Richard, Georgia
I just wanted to share some good news. I got a promotion at work this past Erev Shabbos! Please share this news and thank Rabbi Goldschmidt for me.
Brian, New York
Please convey my gratitude to Rebbetzin Sarah FoxAshrei. My husband was offered employment during the 40 days of prayer. Additionally, following your recommendation, I started reviewing the laws of Lashon Hara during the 40 days and feel that my life has been enriched as a result of my connection to your organization and the kedusha you’ve brought into my life. Thank you!
Cheryl, South Dakota
We asked you to pray that my husband’s business would be successful. I wanted to let you know that yesterday my husband met with a new potential client. They accepted his proposal, signed the contract, and wrote him a check. Baruch Hashem. Just in time for a major expense to be deducted from our account. I am deeply grateful.
Stacy Spigelman, Baltimore
The nursing home for which I work had been having financial troubles. I asked you to pray that we be able to provide quality care without any financial difficulties, and during the forty days we saw many changes: 1. Inpatient Hospice Unit under the newly hired nurse practitioner is providing enhanced care for the patients, 2. I started Holistic Healing & Weight Loss classes for the staff of the nursing home, 3. we passed the State survey exceedingly well. Thanks so much!
Gail Lowenstein MD, New Jersey
My business has picked up since my prayers ended and I am very grateful for that.
Now, can we work on getting a wife?Andrew, New York
I first contacted you after my husband was out of work for quite some time. He was well-qualified, but no work was available. His unemployment was really hard on him, and on our marriage. After our first 40 days, things really improved. Michael got several job offers, but decided that he was going to hold out for the ultimate job. Now, at the end of our 2nd 40 days, I’m contacting you to tell you that he has accepted a CFO position with a wonderful company.
Lianne, Ohio
I’ve had so many successes with 40 days’ prayers. Soon I will be starting a new position with one of this country’s leading investment companies. I’ll be paid well and in an excellent work environment.
What you are doing is very important, and something I feel strongly about as well.Barbara, Quebec
I was exposed to the virus by the woman who took me for my five week eye injections. Thank G-d I was not infected, and I believe the prayers everyday helped me. I pray you and yours stay safe and well
Ramona Gandelman, Texas
I was recently in position where I needed extra spiritual help. What I enjoyed most about this experience was the suggestion that I do good deeds as well. It reconnected me daily with my mother and this has stayed with me. Thank you for all your help.
Liza Czorny, Toronto
I have a praise report for Western Wall Prayers.
I have been praying for God to get me out of financial debt for a long time.
This year is the year HE is answering that prayer.
Because of all of the COVID relief programs and credits for people with children, I have gotten so much assistance that it is allowing me and my family to pay down our debts! I will be out of financial debt except for my student loans by the end of the year. All praises to the Most High….Shelita Gutter, CA
I asked you to pray for me to get over my fear of being around others. Great news, my prayers have been answered! But it does not stop there, I have become a new person who is able to socialize, go on retreats, and even began looking for a job. Thank you!
Tiferet, Arizona
Please tell my prayer agent that I received responsible new tenants for the properties. A few months ago, a lawyer begged me to file bankruptcy but G-d saved the day and blessed me with 2 sets of new tenants who like where they are living and are paying their rent on time. The prayers that were said for me asking G-d to protect the properties have all been answered.
Forrest, Casey
I asked you to pray for me that I will succeed in becoming a Jew. Since that time, I have had increased clarity in understanding the decisions that I have made and where the tests and other things I have experienced are leading me. I have also been blessed with a work schedule that allows me to have afternoons free- something which has not happened in 12 years. This will enable me to study Hebrew in the afternoon. Also, for some years, I have known about an opportunity to work in Israel, for the very same company I’m working now. I have now started studying on my own to perfect my performance at work so that I can be more valuable to the company and G-d willing be eligible to work in Israel. Thank you very much again for your words, they also have helped me reflect and I deeply appreciate them. And thank you, all the agents and all of the people who devote their time to such a beautiful cause. May all of you always be blessed.
Aracely Hernandez Urbina, Mexico
I was falsely accused of an extremely serious crime. I was petrified of what seemed like imminent jail time. After my first 40 days, my court case was post-poned. After the next 40 days, my next court case was post-poned again and when a final date was set, I got an agent to pray 40 days one more time. Just a couple of days before I was set to go before a very tough judge, the person who accused me gave a full confession. The charges were dropped, and my innocence was revealed. It was truly a miracle and I am very grateful to your prayer warriors and to G-d.
Marcello, New York
I cannot offer your organization enough thanks. The simple truth is that while I was in harm’s way, just knowing that I was the object of prayers at the Kotel gave me a peaceful confidence in a tempest of war that I would have unlikely felt otherwise. Thanks to your prayers, I constantly felt the Hand of G-d as my breastplate.
Marc Moshe Davis, Los Angeles, California
Last year I asked you to arrange for someone to pray for me at the kotel so that I would be able to come to Israel and learn. I am now learning in yeshiva in Jerusalem and have opened a file to convert with the beit din.
Joseph Sherman, Israel
Please let the Rabbi know that our prayers have been answered. Here’s how it happened. You sent me a message on Friday, Jun 18 that prayers on our behalf that we sell our house in America had begun. Later that very afternoon, we got a contract on our house. The house had been shown dozens of times, but we had no offers and we were scheduled to make aliyah on July 7. We made aliyah with the house under contract but not yet sold. I wanted to let you know that yesterday, the settlement went through, thus well and truly ending our physical connection to Baltimore. Our blessings to you and your families for your work on behalf of Am Yisrael.
Rivkah Lambert Adler, Israel
I noticed my prayers being answered within the first days as the changes I was asking for to support my relationship were starting to show themselves. This is the second time I have asked the help of Western Wall Prayers and I am humbled and grateful for all the help, support and the results achieved. The support during times of particular challenge makes an extraordinary difference – opening doors that felt impossible to unlock, and shine light in places that may never have been lit before. I am now in a long-term relationship, which nurtures sweetness, love and creativity.
My heartfelt thanks and gratitude.
Irene, San Francisco
Thank you so much for the tefillos. They seemed to have really worked. B’H my baby son, Noam Zalman, was born March 18th, healthy and adorable. (I did have a C-section but bH it was without any complications). I also found out last week that I passed the NBCOT exam. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
Zehava, Montreal
I have good news to report. I was pre-approved to purchase a home. I was stunned and surprised! Most importantly, I was grateful to G-d and to WWP for all the prayers and good wishes that went out on my behalf. Please thank the team and the person who prayed for me.
Hanna, Florida
I really didn’t think anything could possibly help the terrible discrimination I was experiencing at work. Things were only getting worse.
But, a miracle happened – my employer went overboard and broke the law. Now, the tables have turned and my employers are scared for their jobs and reputation. So, things have really improved for me. I have a leg to stand on in court now.
Molly, Virginia
I am an upstanding member of my community. So, when a bank brought forth charges of alleged fraud on my behalf I contacted you. I’m writing to tell you that all charges have been dropped against me. They realized that they had no basis. G-d is truly wonderful.
Moshe, Australia
I have been struggling significantly with major identity theft for the last 2 years, and emotional wipe out from tremendous stress. I finally resolved these issues during the 40 days. This was AMAZING. I was in tears when I received word that the papers were processing. Additionally, when I was told it would take 2 weeks, it suddenly came in two DAYS. I can’t thank you enough.
Elaine, New York
Thanks to Hashem through the auspices of Western Wall Prayers my life has become more and more remarkable every day. I can say that my life has DRAMATICALLY turned, bli ayin hara, for the better, and I’m sure that your prayers are anchoring the brachot.
Sam, New York
Thank you all and please tell Mr. Michaels thank you for me and that G-d is using him in awesome ways. I have been seeing great improvements in my relationship with my boyfriend, William, in less than a month of prayer. Seeing great improvement and growth in my relationship has made me ecstatic and has increased my declined faith level. I am seeing once again that G-d has not forgotten me and still loves me.
Lisa, Washington
My daughter and her friend were getting into a bad crowd. Being a religious person, this was a shock to our family and we immediately took action through getting a prayer agent for both of them. I’m so happy to say that things got much better for them at the end of the 40 days. I would like to continue the prayers until they are 100% in the clear.
Pamela, New Jersey
My son had stopped speaking to me because his mother and I are getting divorced. I asked you to daven for me that my relationship with him would improve. Things are much better and continuing in a positive direction. Not completely out of the woods yet, but getting there. I said Psalm 20 along with the prayer you sent several times a week. Please thank the fellow from Zilberman’s who davened for us at the Kotel. Thank you for your help. And may I add that you do your role very professionally.
Do not be surprised if you hear from me the next time I am in Israel.Michael, Los Angeles